Ok, so I was thinking the other day about how my life has completely changed over the past couple of years.
But, most of the changes, even those that were tumultuous, were for my good and have worked out to be for the best!
I recognize, now, that who I became for about 7 years was not who I was at all.
I was walking around with straight, flat hair, an affect just as flat, wearing no make up, not communicating and relating to my friends on a regular basis, and without LIFE!
Sure, I was alive, but I wasn't LIVING!
I was simply existing and surviving in my chosen environment.
Now, as I enter in another Spring season of LIFE, I'm so grateful to be BACK to myself.
Through my hair journey, I've rediscovered who I am and what is important to me.
I believe that this energy that's so inspired by my hair gives me the confidence to be myself and know that who I am is actually ok.
I don't have to dumb down, water down and play down who I am.
As women, or even people, we should have the freedom to walk out our purposed life journey with only a concern for who God wants us to be.
To be able to live life to the fullest, without regard to what others say about me is a great feeling.
It's nice to be free from the judgment of others and be able to live for God the way HE wants me to live.
I'm on a journey.
I'm walking towards the vision that God has given me for my life...
And, I feel glad about it!
Can I get an Amen!?
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